Back to School Basics

It's  FINALLY mid-August, which means its September, which means Pre-Ski season is around the corner! What first chair has your name on it? Arapahoe Basin? Loveland Ski Area? Keystone? 

 But first, let's make sure you have the basics covered BEFORE you strap-in/ click-in and send-it down the mountain... We expect you to take notes until the end... ; )


FIRST UP Wax On, Wax Off: Channel your inner Mr. Miyagi and practice waxing your skis. Bonus points if you do it while balancing on a wobble board.

SECONDLY Squat Like You Mean It: Develop those quads by squatting every time you pick something up. Drop a pen? Squat. Remote? Squat. Family pet? SQUAT!

THIRD It's a Dress Rehearsal: Put on all your ski gear, crank the AC, and practice waddling around the house. Don’t forget to shout “coming through!” when you slide down the stairs.

FOURTH Hot Tub Conditioning: Spend ample time in the hot tub, perfecting the art of looking relaxed yet knowing you’re about to face plant into a snowbank.

5TH Goggle Tan Preparation: Wear your ski goggles while sunbathing. Yes, you'll look ridiculous, but you’ll fit in perfectly with that signature raccoon look.

6TH Snow Shoveling Drills: Practice shoveling snow even if it’s 70 degrees outside. Neighbors will admire your dedication or call someone to check on you.

7TH Yoga for Flexibility: Embrace yoga poses like the “Fallen Skier” and “Wipeout Warrior” to enhance your flexibility. Holding the “Child’s Pose” while sobbing softly is totally optional.

EIGHT Lift Line Etiquette: Set up a mock lift line in your living room and practice navigating through with friends. Simulate real conditions by having someone spill hot cocoa on you.

NINE Avalanche Awareness: Educate yourself on avalanche safety by building pillow forts and then dramatically collapsing them. Scream “AVALANCHE!” at the top of your lungs for full effect.


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